来年1月12日(木)午後に行う 足立研セミナー の詳細が決まりました。

場所:矢上キャンパス 創想館地下二階 マルチメディアルーム(MMR) (場所が変更になりましたので,ご注意ください)
15:45 – 16:25 Dr Kentaro Hirata (NAIST)
Title : Gain Scheduling Control Experiment of Balancing Transformer Robot
Abstract : In this talk, the stabilization problem of a balancing robot is considered. Challenging aspects of this project are 1) the robot transforms while maintaining the balance on two wheels and 2) it is made of LEGO Mindstorms. Our main purpose is to demonstrate a “cutting-edge” control technology, that is, the gain scheduling control, by using (an improved version of) friendly toy. Also I would like to summarize the technical machinery underlying this experiment.

16:30 – 18:00 Prof Malcolm Smith (Cambridge University Department of Engineering)
Title : Active versus passive control: new directions for the control of mechanical systems
Abstract : The talk will discuss the contrasting possibilities of active and passive control both abstractly and in the context of automotive suspensions. It will be shown how systems and control thinking can highlight design trade-offs and suggest new approaches which otherwise can remain hidden. The expanded possibilities for passive control using the “inerter” mechanical device will be discussed. Classical results and future directions in passive network synthesis will be highlighted. The talk will be restricted by examples of practice in Formula One racing.

 どなたでも参加することができます。参加希望者は事前に足立(adachi [at] appi.keio.ac.jp)まで e-mail でご連絡ください。