Prof Fu-Cheng Wang(National Taiwan University)
2010年9月11日(土) 10:30~11:30
創想館2階 14-204室(セミナールーム4)
There are two well known analogies between mechanical and electrical networks, namely the force-current and the force-voltage analogies. For the force-current analogy, the spring, damper and mass of mechanical systems are respectively analog to the inductor, resistor and capacitor of electrical systems. However, the mass element fails to be a genuine two-terminal network element in that the velocity and acceleration of masses are always measured relatively to the ground. Hence, electrical systems with ungrounded capacitors do not have a direct analogy to mechanical systems with springs, dampers and masses. And the performance of mechanical system is inherently restricted. Therefore, a new mechanical device, called the inerter, was proposed in 2001 to substitute for the mass. An inerter is an ideal mechanical two-terminal element with the applied force proportional to the relative acceleration across two terminals. The inerter concepts can be mechanically realized by various ways. Until now, we have proposed four realizations, namely the rack-and-pinion inerter, the ball-screw inerter, the hydraulic inerter, and the mechatronic inerter. With the introduction of inerter, all passive impedance can be mechanically realized by the inerter, dampers and springs. And the achievable performance can be potentially improved in passive ways. The inerters have been applied to many mechanical systems, including the vehicle suspension, motorcycle steering, train suspension, and building vibration control systems. We will summarize the results from several papers, and briefly introduce the recent development on network synthesis.